
Se pueden enviar donativos, marcados para el “Proyecto Oasis,” a la:

Asociación Evangélica Foro de Liderazgo
c/ Fernando Gallego 17. 49151 Arcenillas, Zamora

O hacer una transferencia a la cuenta bancaria de la Asociación (concepto: “Oasis): Españaduero: ES69 2108 4608 9700 3010 0727

United States

All donations are tax deductible through the INLD (U.S. financial manager through Crossroads Bible Church) and used exclusively for the Oasis ministry, which is administered by the Forum (Foro) Board of Directors:

International Network for Leadership Development (INLD)
Crossroads Bible Church, 15815 SE 37th Street. Bellevue, WA 98006.
Questions/clarifications: Dan Hollingsworth.
Information: Anita Fossum, Business Office. (425) 747-6750

Two options for giving through the INLD:
  1. Send a check to Crossroads Bible Church, specifically marked, “INLD-Forum, Oasis.”
  2. Or, follow this link to the INLD-Forum for electronic giving.